Looking back; Thinking forward: Inspiring the next generation of genealogists and local historians
Call for Papers for the Library Association of Ireland Genealogy and Local Studies Group Conference.
Join us in Dublin on 9 May 2023.
The LAI Genealogy and Local Studies Group is inviting expressions of interest from librarians, teachers, historians and any interested parties who would like to take part in a day of discussions on the conference theme.
The intention of this conference theme is to find innovative and creative ways to inspire the next generation of genealogists and historians. We hope to use this conference as a platform to encourage fresh and creative discussion to encourage and support young people in their pursuit of genealogy and local history research.
The conference will take place in Dublin on Tuesday, 9 May 2023.
The intention is that there will be an in-person audience on the day, with recordings available afterwards. Numbers may be limited. Booking to follow.
We encourage a diverse range of conference attendees. If you wish to present a 20 minute paper at the conference, please send a 200 word abstract with a short bio (100 words max.) by 17:00 Thursday 16 March 2023 to: libraryassociationgenloc@gmail.com.
Those with successful proposals will be notified during the week of 17 April 2023.