If yes, then you should consider pursuing a Masters degree.
Details available at UCD, School of Information and Library Studies
At the moment, postgraduate online courses are not available from an Irish institution. However, there are several options in Britain. Details for several courses are available at www.cilip.org.uk
Details of courses which are accredited by Library Association of Ireland are below
Some public library authorities offer scholarships to existing library staff to complete the full time course in UCD SILS, other employers part or fully fund part-time/distance learning course, you would need to check with your employer.
The LAI is happy to share information about job vacancies. All queries about vacancies should be directed to the recruiting institution.
The qualifications highlighted in bold are those currently accredited by the LAI/Professional Standards Committee, or recognised by the LAI. Qualifications historically accredited or recognised retain their validity and have been included for information purposes.
MSc Information & Library Management Dublin Business School (accredited September 2014)
*Master of Library & Information Studies (1994 – date) University College Dublin
Graduate Diploma in Library and Information Studies (2007 to date) University College Dublin
*BA (Library and Information) (2008- 2018) University College Dublin
*BSocSc (Information Studies) (up to and including 2018) University College Dublin
*Higher Diploma in Library & Information Studies (1994 – 2006) University College Dublin
*Master of Library & Information Studies (1981 – 1994) University College Dublin
*Diploma in Library & Information Studies (1979 – 1993) University College Dublin
Diploma in Librarianship (1970 – 1978) University College Dublin
Diploma in Library Training (- 1969) University College Dublin
Diploma in Library Training (1929 – 1934) University College Galway
Fellowship of the Library Association of Ireland (F.L.A.I.) by thesis (1976 onwards)
Fellowship of the Library Association of Ireland (F.L.A.I.) by examination and thesis (1953 – 1976)
*Subject to LAI agreed course content and practical experience requirement
Any professional library / information qualification approved by the appropriate professional association may also be approved by the Library Association of Ireland.
The Library Association of Ireland accreditation is also recognized by the American Library Association (www.ala.org) which accredits programmes in the US and Canada.
The relevant web page on the ALA site is: