The Library Association of Ireland supports a variety of professional (special interest) groups where members of the LAI can connect, engage, participate, collaborate and expand their knowledge around particular areas of interests in the field of librarianship. Each group consists of committee members who meet throughout the year to plan events and activities, provide opportunities for upskilling within the community, and host workshops and seminars for the purpose of knowledge sharing and networking across sectors.
Members are entitled to vote, attend the AGM, receive publications from the Group, serve on the Committee, and contribute to the Group discussion list and online forums provided they are personal members in good standing of the LAI.
What are the benefits of joining a Group?
Individuals can use the Group’s individual email address to find out how to join and what being a member entails. Contact details for each group can be located on the Group’s individual page from the list below.
We cater for the needs of librarians and information professionals working in academic, research, not-for-profit, corporate and other specialist libraries. Our aim is to provide a forum for discussion on issues relevant to academic and special librarians and information professionals.
We host talks, arrange training and networking and we organise an annual conference for Library & Information professionals.
The Career Development Section of the Library Association of Ireland represents both existing library and information professionals and new graduates looking for job opportunities.
The Cataloguing and Metadata Group is committed to promoting awareness of and expertise in all aspects of library resource description including relevant metadata schema, standards and technologies.
The City and County Librarian’s Section of the Library Association is the Section that represents the main leadership group of public Librarians in Ireland. The Section aims to represent public library leaders and to promote the highest standards of librarianship and public libraries in Ireland.
The Continuing Professional Development Committee is responsible for promoting and managing certification of LAI recognised courses, raising awareness of the value of LAI accreditation through liaison with groups and sections and other bodies involved in CPD, encouraging the maintenance of a calendar of CPD events and supporting research into the CPD needs of librarians and information professionals.
We Provide a forum for library staff working in the areas of genealogy and local studies, promote the continuing professional development of genealogy and local studies staff and promote best practice in the delivery of traditional and electronic genealogy and local studies reference services.
The Government Libraries Section (GLS) represents the interests of all staff working in Government libraries.
The Health Sciences Libraries Group (HSLG) of the Library Association of Ireland represents the interests and concerns of those who work in Irish health libraries and associated information settings. Membership is open to all members of the LAI. Being a member of the HSLG entitles you to reduced fees for attending HSLG events, eligibility for bursaries, and participation in the committee.
The Library Publishing Group (LPG) of the Library Association of Ireland (LAI) supports all types of library publishing initiatives across the sector.
The Munster Regional Section Group is one of a number of special interest sections/groups within the Library Association of Ireland established to support activities in libraries in Munster and the interests of LAI members working in Munster.
Visit the Munster Regional Section
The Open Scholarship Group of the Library Association of Ireland (LAI) supports open scholarship activities in libraries and in wider society. We Raise awareness of and promote open scholarship, encourage the sharing of authoritative and reliable information on the subject, support open practices and skills development, identify key developments.
The Professional Standards Committee manages applications, sets standards and provides assessment boards for LAI accreditation of programmes offering post graduate degrees in library and information sciences in Ireland, currently UCD School of Information and Communication Studies and the Dublin Business School.
The Public Libraries Section of the LAI is aimed those working in or with an interest in public libraries. The section organise an annual conference which gives public library staff an opportunity for LAI accredited CPD. A broad range of speakers of relevance to public libraries offer insight into service delivery, innovation and strategic development of library services.
The Rare Books Group caters for staff working with early printed books, and historic/special collections. Its membership is drawn from all types of libraries and information centres throughout Ireland.
We believe that every school in Ireland should be provided with resources for a school library run by a qualified librarian, where each school child will have guided access to a wide and diverse range of material for pleasure reading, research, learning and literacy.
We represent the interests of members of the LAI in the west of Ireland.
We promote books for children and young people, reading activities and library services to young people through various programmes.
The Group organises seminars, workshops and lectures on themes relating to children’s books and children’s libraries.