Assessing the implementation of SDGs in libraries is not an easy task. On the one hand, libraries need figures in order to show that their commitment to sustainable development is not a nice story to be told, but a sound policy to be pursued.
On the other hand, they also need to adapt their traditional statistics and indicators to the new Agenda 2030 framework. EBLIDA created the ELSA (European Libraries and Sustainable development Assessment) Working Group in October 2019 with a view to addressing the issue of SDG evaluation in libraries.
Towards the implementation of SDG Indicators in European Libraries is the report elaborated by the ELSA Working Group.
“Within the broad framework of the 2030 Agenda library policies need to link with indicators of a different nature”, says Ton van Vlimmeren, EBLIDA President. While emphasising the usefulness of library impact studies both for library evaluation and advocacy, ELSA Group Members stressed the importance of an SDG-centered methodology with a few practical examples in several European countries.
“It is time to shift from small, locally based projects having a demonstrative nature to library policies where project evaluation has a fundamental role if libraries wish to have access to European Structural and Investment Funds 2021-2027”, adds Giuseppe Vitiello, Director, EBLIDA.
Access the report here: http://www.eblida.org/news/eblida-report-evaluation-sdg-eu-libraries.html