Dear Members,
Please be notified that the AGM of the Library Association of Ireland will take place in person on Thursday 2nd May 2024 at 10.30am at a location yet to be determined.
Motions for the AGM must be submitted to the Honorary Secretary at the address below, or by email to honsecretary@libraryassociatio
no later than Friday, 27th January 2024.
Nominations forms for the Honorary Officerships of the Association and nomination forms for membership of the Council are available from the
below web address.
Nominations must be submitted to the Honorary Secretary at the address below, or by email to honsecretary@libraryassociatio
Liz Keane
Honorary Secretary
Library Association of Ireland
Dublin City Library and Archive
138-144 Pearse Street
Dublin 2
Review of the Constitution and Rules of the Library Association of Ireland
The Library Association of Ireland is a Company Limited by Guarantee and operates under Part 18 Companies Act 2014. A new Working Group of the Council of the LAI has been constituted to review the current Constitution and Rules of the Association which were formally adopted in 2021.
The group will examine, report on, and suggest changes if required, to each of the following areas:
* Terms of elected officers
* Sectoral representation on Council
* Voting rights
* Election procedures
* Voting procedures
* Format for the AGM
The Group will consider the relevance of the previous Memorandum and Articles of Association of the LAI in this context. It will also consider similar volunteer-led organisations in terms of facilitation of AGMs. The Group is mandated to seek expert advice, which may include legal advice, as may be required.
The Group will report with recommendations for Executive Council which would be brought before an EGM/AGM for ratification. The group will operate for a period of no more than 12 months.
Motions for AGM of the Library Association of Ireland
Proposing a Motion at the LAI AGM is a means for LAI members to progress matters of policy or issues of concern for debate by the wider membership. A motion is an important tool that helps members decide the agenda of the Association.
Once adopted a motion becomes a resolution of the Association. Motions are passed by a simple majority of members voting by show of hands at
the AGM unless a poll is (before or on the declaration of the results of the show of hands) demanded (see Section 21 of the Constitution of the Association).
Motions should be consistent with the objects of the Association which are set out in Section Three of the Constitution of the Association found here.
Any Group or Section of the Association may propose a motion. Any individual member of the Association may also propose a motion. Each motion must be seconded by an LAI member or a Group or Section of the Association.
Motions should be submitted by email to
or by post to Honorary Secretary, Library Association of Ireland,
138-144 Pearse St, Dublin 2 on or before the date by which AGM
documentation is required (27th January).
Drafting a motion
Motions should be drafted as concisely as possible to be clearly understood by the wider membership.
The following format is often used when drafting a motion:
Section 1: This AGM notes:
This section is used to describe the current situation regarding the subject of the motion.
Section 2: This AGM believes:
This section is used to provide detailed information about the proposed policy stance for the LAI.
Section 3: This AGM resolves:
This section is used to describe the action that the proposer believes the LAI should take regarding the issue.
Checklist for the submission of a motion
1. Is the motion relevant to the work of the LAI as set out in the Constitution of the Association?
2. Is the motion clear, concise, and easily understood by the general membership?
3. Is the action being sought feasible, achievable, and reasonable?
4. Has the motion been signed by the proposer and a seconder?
Acceptance of motions
Motions will first be considered by the Management Committee of Council the LAI. Management Committee will clarify any ambiguity with proposed motions. Where there are multiple motions on the same topic, the Committee may work with the proposers to produce a composite motion that is acceptable to all proposers.
A Motion that could be in breach of the constitution of the LAI or is in breach of Company Law or other laws will not be tabled.
Procedure during the AGM
The proposer or a representative of the proposing Group or Section will speak briefly to the motion during the AGM. A discussion on the motion by the wider membership will follow. The motion will then be put to a vote by show of hands unless a poll is (before or on the declaration of the results of the show of hands) demanded. If ratified, the resolution will then be passed to the Council of the LAI to address its implementation.