We all have a library colleague who impresses us with their energy, drive and commitment to library users and/or the wider sector. To mark and acknowledge exceptional library staff for these contributions, Library Ireland Week 2018 will launch the first Library Association of Ireland’s annual Library Staff Champion Award.
The Library Staff Champion Award provides an opportunity for you to nominate a colleague who makes a real difference to the lives of library users through information literacy initiatives; technological developments; library design; strategic developments and any other impactful projects as examples. Library staff can also be nominated for their contributions to the wider sector for innovative initiatives or professional development and research activities; mentoring activities; for their leadership qualities and more.
The presentation to the winner of the Library Staff Champion Award will take place in their Library with the President of the Library Association of Ireland and representatives of the LIW Taskforce. This award is a wonderful opportunity therefore to shine a spotlight on an outstanding colleague in their library environment.
Click here to nominate a colleague today.