Registration is now open for the Academic & Special Libraries Section Annual Conference and Exhibition 2019
Wood Quay Venue
Friday 29th, March 2019
“I have long contended that a room full of books is simply a closet but that an empty room with a librarian in it is a library” R. David Lankes
Conference Theme – “Library – Space, Place, or State of Mind?”
What is a “library”? A physical place? A virtual space? A state of mind? We think we know what a library should look like, what it should contain and how it should work, but does that match with the experiences of our users? Or the people who work in them? Come along to #ASL2019 and find out more.
Keynote speakers
We are delighted to announce our keynote speakers for #ASL2019
Karen Latimer
Libary Building Consultant
Christian Lauersen
Director of libraries and citizen services in Roskilde Municipality
To register and for details of delegate fees follow the link below
The full programme will be available shortly at http://www.aslibraries.com/
Please be advised that filming and photography might take place at this event and that images and recordings may be used on social media and other platforms. By registering you agree to this.