The 2021 CILIP Ireland/LAI annual joint conference will be held from 15-16th April 2021 and will take place virtually. The conference will take the format of two half-day programmes showcasing the library and information sector across the island of Ireland and beyond.
We are inviting students and new professionals to submit proposals for our New Voices session. We welcome presentations relating to our theme Vision and revision: virtual libraries and new beginnings, on topics including, but not limited to:
– Experiences of starting a new job/committee role during lockdown
– Remote learning and online skills development
– Digital transformation
– Physical vs. digital library collections
– Service priorities for the future
– Libraries and sustainability
The New Voices session welcomes new and recent entrants to the library community and offers an introduction to conference speaking through the medium of short and sweet talks/presentations providing us all with an insight into the experience of our colleagues. This opportunity is open to members and non-members. We are looking forward to reading your submissions! The Joint Conference is a great professional development event so don’t be shy and tell us all about your work!
Submit your idea here
Type of submissions:
1. Lightning Talk: 7 minute talk/presentation
Submit a 100-150 word (max) abstract describing what the talk/presentation is about.
2. Pecha Kucha: 7 minute ‘show and tell’ with 20 slides presented for 20 seconds each.
Submit a 100-150 word (max) abstract describing what the presentation is about.
3. Poster/infographic: 7 minute presentation
Submit a 100-150 word (max) abstract describing what the presentation is about.
Please note: we may open the floor to questions after the presentation so speakers should be prepared to answer a few short questions. Presentation slides may be published online after the conference.
Key dates
Call for submissions opened: 25 January 2021
Deadline for submissions: Midnight 11 February 2021
Author notification: By 19 February 2021
Confirmation of acceptance: By 1 March 2021